Working creatively as you fashion your course structure is a key tool for creating a course that has both you and your students excited. Listen in to understand: 1. turning your step-by-step into a journey, 2. the “look book” approach, and 3. what it means to narrow your “deep dive” course even more than you might initially think.

Talking structure for your particular course is something we can do together inside the Teach What You Do eCourse Blueprint–and summer is a fabulous time to do this creative work and lay the groundwork for fall and end-of-year launches. When you enroll in the eCourse Blueprint by midnight PT this Friday, May 25, you'll also get our Summer Survival Kit, which includes graphics templates for workbooks and teaching slides as well as three 15-minute “Readi-Care” personal coaching calls with Debbie. Click here to enroll and see all the details: