by Debbie Hodge | Sep 13, 2016 | Blog
Since you're a Teach What You Do reader, you likely already know that for anyone with a special skill, coaching ability, or expertise, this is a great time for creating and selling an online course. You have probably seen the Forbes projections for online learning...
by Debbie Hodge | Aug 29, 2016 | Blog
Adding a “live virtual event” to your online course lets you personalize your teaching and address students’ questions regularly and in depth so you can ensure their success. You might call your live virtual event a webinar, webcast, live stream, live...
by Debbie Hodge | Aug 23, 2016 | Blog, FrontPageFeature
If you're ready to make your own online class, you've probably started envisioning the lessons you'll make. When you picture those lessons, what do they look like? Are they demo videos? eBooks? Maybe your envisioned lessons are live weekly webcasts. Or perhaps...
by Debbie Hodge | Aug 16, 2016 | Blog, FrontPageFeature
While I'm not a fan of rushing headlong into creating an online course without researching your audience, their needs, and profitable angles for a product . . . . . . I'm also not a fan of sitting on the sidelines too long. (And neither is my favorite business coach,...
by Debbie Hodge | Aug 11, 2016 | Blog
It's never been easier to set up your own online classroom. . . unless . . . . . . you don't understand your options and the pieces you'll need. I'm going to help you remove that roadblock right now as I detail the pieces of an online classroom and three...